When you have made a science poster, it's helpful to share it online, for example on social media. In this tutorial I will explain how to export your poster to PNG or JPG, and how you use a part from your poster for a readable and suitable image to share on social media.
Open your Poster file in PowerPoint.
Go in the top navigation bar to: File > Export... A new popup screen opens.
In the File Format dropdown box, choose 'PNG' or 'JPG'. Fill in the width and the height: 1200 x 1693 pixels ( You van also use a larger size, that's up to you). Give your file the right name and click on 'Export'. You now have a JPG or PNG you can use online. Check if the PPI of the image is at least 72!
Open your Poster file in Illustrator.
Go in the top navigation bar to: File > Export > export for Screens.... A new popup screen opens.
In the 'Export To' section you can choose where you want to save your file. Choose your location. In the 'Formats' section you can choose what kind of file you want to get. Choose 'JPG 100' or 'PNG'. In the 'Formats > Scale' section, select '2x'. Make sure the artboard (to the left) is selected. Click ' Export Artboard'.
Open your Poster file in PowerPoint.
Select the part of your poster that you want to make an image of. Choose one part, for example a chart, a quote or an image. In this case I choose one of the charts. Copy that part (Cmd + C/Ctrl + C).
Make a new PowerPoint File (Cmd + N/Ctrl + N). Select everything that is on the slide and delete it. Paste your content into this new file. Save your file (as a regular .pptx).
In the down rigt corner, adjust your view to 100%. This will be the actual size of the image. In the second navigation Bar, go to 'Design' > 'Slide Size'. Select 'Page Setup'.
A popup screen appears. Choose a Width and Height that suit the size/shape of your image. For example 20 x 20 cm. Choose equal lengths if you want to use your image on Instagram.
If necessary, scale your image, so it fits your slide size.
Ifn the top navigation bar, go to 'File' > 'Export' and save your file as a JPG or PNG file. You can use this export file to share on social media. When sharing, don't forget to add a text that gives context and/or an explanation of the image.
Open your Poster file in Illustrator.
Select the part of your poster that you want to make an image of. Choose one part, for example a chart, a quote or an image. In this case I choose one of the charts. Copy that part (Cmd + C/Ctrl + C).
Make a new Illustrator File (Cmd + N/Ctrl + N). A popup screen opens, go to the 'Web' tab. Select 'Common'. Fill in your desired width and height (for my image I use 1200 x 1200 pixels). Click on 'Create'. Paste your content into this new file. Save your file (as a regular .EPS or .AI).
Scale the image until it fits your artboard. You can do this by selecting everything, then click and drag, while holding the 'Shift' key (then it scales proportionally). Drag until it has the right size.
Export your file to a PNG or JPG. This is the same as step 3 of the previous Illustrator tutorial, above on this page.