When you have made your science poster, it would be helpful as you also can use it in a PowerPoint presentation. Using your original poster is not always the best solution (readibility, a lot of information in 1 image, etc.). That is why I made this tutorial on how to transfer your science poster to a PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint presentation template that I use for this tutorial, is also available for free on shop.sciencedesignguide.com!
Open the PowerPoint presentation template and open your original science poster file (for example in Adobe Illustrator or PowerPoint, depending on the tool you used for creating your science poster). The font family used in this template is Asap, that you can download for free here.
The first slide can contain the title, subtitle, coloured background/coloured background plus image, your name and degree, your profession, optional logos, your email address. See the slider below for the template version and some examples of the first slide. Fill in the title, subtitle, your name, etc. and optional the logo(s). Make your title compact and compelling, and not too long. If it doesn't fit in the space reserved on the template, you can make the font size of the main titel smaller (minimum of 36 pt).
If you want to use an image on your first slide, insert this. For example an element of your poster or a photograph.
On this slide you can show your methods. Instead of 'Method 1 title', etc. fill in the right titles for your methods. If your method titles are too long for the font size used in the template, you can use a smaller font size (minimum: 14 pt).
You can add your own icons that illustrate the methods. For the example project I bought most of the icons on smashicons.com. There you can get a subscription for a very reasonable price. In exchange you get access to many many many icons. Another great icon source is thenounproject.com. You can also choose to not use icons or other images, and remove the grey blocks.
In the top bar, fill in the title of your presentation and your name plus degree. In the right bottom corner you can optionally add your logo.
If you want to show more information per method, you can use the following slide. Use the same content (text and icon) as you used for the previous slide.
Regarding content you can use a chart or data visualization, an illustration or a photograph, for example. In the example I used a chart.
Repeat this for all the methods.
If you want to show a 'Results' section, you can use the following slide for it. Add your title, name and degree to the top bar. Add your optional logo in the bottom right corner. Insert your result in the middle. Use one slide per result you want to discuss.
If you want to show a 'Discussion' section, you can use the following slide for it. Add your title, name and degree to the top bar. Add your optional logo in the bottom right corner. Insert your Discussion text in the middle. If your text is too long for the font size used in the template, you can use a smaller font size (minimum: 14 pt).
Your final slide. You can use this for questions or to only show some contact information or relevant website. Fill in your information, save your file, and you are done with this presentation!