Make a PNG or JPG from your poster, to share online 

When you have made your poster design it's of course best to use and show it in as many useful places as possible. A PNG or JPG file can be used to share on social media, or as a picture on your personal website, where it can link to a downloadable PDF of your poster. On this page you can learn how to export your poster design file to a PNG or JPG.

Check it for the tool of your choice:

Adobe Illustrator

  1. In Adobe Illustrator, go to the top navigation bar (with 'File, Edit, Object, etc...').
  2. Go to File > Export > Export for Screens.
  3. At 'Formats', type in the first field ('Scale'): 72 ppi.
  4. The second field ('Suffix') can stay empty.
  5. The third field ('Format'): choose 'JPG 100' or 'PNG'.
  6. At 'Export to:' select the right folder to save you JPG or PNG file in.
  7. Click in the right lower corner on 'Export Artboard'. 

Microsoft PowerPoint

  1. In PowerPoint, go to the top navigation bar > File.
  2. Choose 'Export...'.
  3. In the 'File Format' dropwdown menu, pick PNG or JPG.

Affinity Designer

  1. Go to the top navigation bar > File.
  2. Select 'Export'...
  3. Select the PNG or JPG icon.
  4. Click the Export button.
  5. Give your new JPG or PNG file a name (next to 'Save As') and select the file location.
  6. Click 'Save'.